
If you have any material which you wish to be added here, please email me

Creative Thinking by Claude Shannon at Bell Labs

How to do a systems PhD: advice from Steven Hand

Hints for Computer System Design (Butler Lampson)

How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia (Patterson , Kozyrakis )

How to read papers (1 , 2) and how to review them

Advice on Research and Writing, Jon’s Collection , and a referee’s plea

Writing a good abstract and introduction

How to do great research

How to get a faculty job By Matt Welsh

How to build a research lab

What to do at conferences?

Talking the Talk: Tips on Giving a Successful Conference Presentation

Can you trust your experimental results?

Networking on the Network: A Guide to Professional Skills for PhD Students

How to manage your PhD supervisor

How to write a killer cover letter for a postdoctoral application

Two examples from the computer science review and publication process Blog post by David Anderson

How to Write a Grad School Personal Statement and some examples

Ten Simple Rules to becoming a principal investigator

How to run a paper mill

Research Advice from David Kotz

Datasets & Tool

The Koblenz Network Collection

CAIDA Internet traffic, topology & routing datasets

Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection

CRAWDAD Wireless Data

Unix Tools Video Lectures by Markus Kuhn (Cambridge)

Mobile/IoT Libraries

Sensing Kit (mobile sensors on Android/iOS)

Sensor hardware and code for the IoT Connected Seeds project

Emotion Sense (collection of Android libraries) [

X-Sense Labs (Android)

Android Remote Sensing Platform

IP Networks

SIGCOMM graduate-level eBook on “Recent Advances in Networking

Internet Engineering course at University of Virginia

Richard Clegg’s material on modelling networks and network theory and routing

Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols & Practice, Open-source book Olivier Bonaventure

Computer Networks course by Paolo Costa

Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach 6th ed. by J.F. Kurose and K.W. Ross (slides)

NANOG Tutorials

Keshav’s video Lectures on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Networking

Maths, Telecommunications, and Information Theory

Information Theory, Inference and Learning Algorithms by David MacKay

Claude Shannon: Collected Papers

Mathematics Books Available for Free Downloading

Fundamentals of Telecommunications

Mining of Massive Datasets

Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms

Performance Evaluation Of Computer And Communication Systems (book)

Social Network Analysis

Weighted Spectral Distribution

igraph library

Matlab tools for network analysis


Awk OneLiners

Community Interest Groups

Cambridge Networks Network

Higher Education Academy (Fellowship)

Next Generation Networking

London Networking